Social Media is Everywhere – Are You Camera Ready?

Social Media is Everywhere – Are You Camera Ready?

Social Media has made us lose our minds!

I was at the Zora! Festival earlier today and was taking a photo of a someone as they were conducting business.  She said to me exactly what I say “Don’t put my picture on Facebook“.    I’ve got to warn you, I am one of those people who doesn’t like having their picture taken either. There are lots of pictures with my hand in front of my face. If you take a photo of someone (code for “me”), just give us a heads-up before you post it and no one will get hurt.

Back in the day, BCC (Before Cell phone Cameras) when pictures were taken, you had time to strike a pose before someone yelled “Say Cheese”. Fellas had a minute to adjust their tie or pat their afro to make sure it wasn’t lopsided.  Sisters (yes, I mean you. Aren’t we are all sisters?) could make sure there was no lipstick on our teeth, fix our ponytail or put on a little lipstick.

Nowadays you come home from an event, evening out or hanging with friends and there you are, plastered on someone’s Facebook wall with your wig lopsided or one side of your collar up for all to see.  (I admire Oprah sitting in front of millions of people in her bathrobe with no makeup, a headband and her fuzzy slippers.  When I get my own network, no pun intended, I’m with ya girl.)  For the rest of us, it can make you feel like you need to have a stylist with you at all times (hair, makeup and wardrobe).  I mean, do we have to be camera ready – all the time?

That happened to me a few years ago.  I picked up my nephew from the airport (I miss New York) and had a great time catching up with him on the ride back to my house.   By the time I got home and flipped open my computer, there I was . . . on Facebook . . . mid-gesture with no make-up, looking half-crazy!!  Needless to say the photo was down in 10 minutes with a stern lecture about taking my picture AND posting it without my knowledge.  A few months ago, it happened to my friend. She went to a class reunion and someone posted a photo of her – mouth wide open –  just about to take a bite out of a big hamburger. I thought about the person who posted the photo and wondered  “Does he/she even like her?  LOL

On the flip side, as a business owner or professional, here is where it can work for you.  When you’re networking, out with a client or someone snaps a photo of you “doing what you do” and mentions your name or “tags” you, it’s great publicity. Think about it  . . . if  that person has 1,000 Facebook friends and/or 500 twitter followers, you’ve got exposure you couldn’t pay for. If they mention what you do along with it, they have just promoted your business.

How do you feel about having your picture taken? I would love to hear your story about a photo someone posted of you that you wish they hadn’t (or vice versa). Anyone ever ask you to take one down?

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