The Re-Branding Process: It’s Not Always Cute

The Re-Branding Process: It’s Not Always Cute

Taking a break from working on a product I’m looking to launch soon and remembered a conversation I had the other day. It was so cool. The analogy came as I was speaking. Does that ever happen to you?

I’ve been picturing myself like a little chick about to be hatched as I look to re-brand myself with new name, logo, color scheme, fonts, tag line, website, new products and membership site – the whole nine yards. I described it to a few people like this . . . I feel like I have an identity crisis – who I am online doesn’t match my personality and I’m not sure how to put all this fabulous out there (not inserting smiley face). Been feeling like a little chick just being hatched.  Breaking out of my shell and wondering . . . What’s my name?  Where’s my logo?  Do I have a tagline? What’s my personality like?  What are my favorite colors? What does my authentic voice sound like? – I have no (online) identity.

Feels like I’m looking for my momma and once I find her I’ll know who I am.

I figured I would share this little blurb online and started looking for a photo to include with it. As I scrolled through images on Flickr looking for a cute little chick coming out her shell, I found myself laughing and reminded that how we see ourselves and what we look like are totally different.

I pictured the little chick all cute (like me) and fluffy, sitting in her shell about to walk about, and what I saw as I scrolled through pages and pages of photos, were images that were nothing like I imagined. When that little chick comes out she’s wet, weak, can’t stand on her own two feet and from what I understand it takes some longer then others to break through the shell.  The thing that struck me the most? SHE AIN’T VERY CUTE!.

Damn – Is that what I look like right now?


And you know what? I’m good with that.

You hang around, ’cause once I get all warmed up, dried off and fluffy, find my legs AND my momma, I’ll be cute as hell and ready to tear the place up.

Until then,
Chick hatched
Photo credit: Just hatched
BTW If you can relate,  been there, done that and got the t-shirt, feel free to share the insight, wisdom or pain in the comments. You will find you’re in good company.

2 Responses to The Re-Branding Process: It’s Not Always Cute

  1. So true, in so many different ways.

    I, for one, am more than a little excited to see the fluffy version come to life before our very eyes.